Okay so I'm going to buy Discus, how big a tank do I need? Obviously, you have your own limitations of space and budget, so lets look at what the fish will need. If you are thinking of a display tank, it should be no smaller than 4 feet x 18 inches x 20 inches. This is a minimum si
ze but surface area of water is the key here. Your tank can be any size you like but fish need oxygen and the means su
rface are of water to air is crucial. Discus tend to do better in deeper tanks and size matters her because the larger your tank the more stable the water conditions are going to be. If your thinking of breeding then y
our minimum tank size should be 5 feet x 1 foot x 1foot.
Discus Fish tend to be shy and tend to hide if they are not completely comfortable in their surroundings. It is important to locate your aquarium away from windows that let in noise and away from doors that see a lot of daily traffic. The tank should be somewhere that has a stable temperature so not near any heaters or air vents. It should be out of direct sunlight as this will help to keep the algae growth down and minimise the temperature variance on sunny days. Again the deeper the tank the better, this prevents the Discus from getting spooked by movement from above. Position the tank to provide the most stress free environment for your fish that you can find. This will allow youto enjoy your fish more and will increase their hardiness to disease. STRESS is a fish killer!
Use a layer of fine gravel for the bottom of theDiscus Fish Dancing - Funny bloopers R us

ReplyDeletetropical fish information discus
wow... find it interesting... hope it'll be beneficial for me and my friends...
I don't recommend rocks in a discus fish tank.